Apocrine glands occur in areas rich in hair follicles, such as the scalp, armpits, and groin. Apocrine glands are a subtype of exocrine secretory glands. They are found in many places, but mainly in the axillae, areola, and anogenital areas. Previously, certain glands, such as the apocrine glands, were considered modified apocrine glands, but now all eccrine sweat glands are present at birth and cover the entire surface of the body, but apocrine glands are Sleep until puberty. The distribution of apocrine glands is restricted in the axillae, mammary glands, perineum, and hairy areas of the genitals. The sweat composition of the two glands is also different. The apocrine sweat glands, usually associated with hair follicles, continuously secrete fatty sweat into the glandular ducts. Emotional stress causes the tubular walls to contract, excreting fat secretions into the skin, where local bacteria break them down into odorous fatty acids. Where are the apocrine glands?
britannica.com Изображение: britannica.com Apocrine glands are the axillae, anal genital area, areola and nipple of the female breast, eyelids (mole glands), and ear canal. It can also be found on the scalp and facial skin.
Where are the apocrine glands?
Apocrine glands are found primarily in the human axilla, anogenital area, and modified glands (mammary glands) of the breast. These secretions are thought to be propelled through the lumen by myoepithelial cells around the secretory segment.
What is the difference between sweat glands and apocrine sweat glands?
For human skin: sweat glands directly on the skin surface. Apocrine glands usually develop in relation to hair follicles and are open to them. Explanation. In the sweat glands, the apocrine sweat glands, usually associated with hair follicles, continuously secrete fatty sweat into the glandular ducts.
Why do apocrine glands secrete fatty acids?
The apocrine sweat glands, which are normally associated with hair follicles, continuously secrete fatty sweat into the glandular tubules. Emotional stress causes the tubular walls to contract, excreting fat secretions into the skin, where local bacteria break them down into odorous fatty acids. and….
What is the difference between hair follicles and apocrine?
… directly on the surface of the skin; apocrine glands usually develop in relation to hair follicles and are open to them. Normally, the apocrine sweat glands associated with hair follicles continuously secrete fatty sweat into the glandular ducts.
Where are the most common places for eccrine sweat glands?
They differ in embryology, distribution, and function. Eccrine sweat glands are simple coiled tubular glands that are found throughout the body, most often on the soles of the feet. Thin skin covers most of the body and contains hair follicles, hair arector muscles, sebaceous glands as well as sweat glands. 2021
Where are the apocrine glands secreted?
The apocrine sweat glands, which are normally associated with hair follicles, continuously secrete fatty sweat into the glandular tubules. Emotional stress causes the tubular walls to contract, excreting fat secretions into the skin, where local bacteria break them down into odorous fatty acids.
Do you have the most apocrine sweat glands?
The most common and widely seen sweat glands in the body are the apocrine sweat glands. .. Hair follicles, sebaceous glands / oil glands, and sweat glands / sweat glands.
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