Rehn (1945) suggested that the brown-banded cockroach originated in Africa. In addition, the species is believed to have been shipped from Cuba to the United States and was collected in Miami in 1903 (Rehn1945).
Where are the brown-banded cockroaches?
Brown-banded cockroaches prefer dry and warm places and are found in cabinets, pantry and closets. They can also be found around the motor housings of electronic devices and refrigerators. The brown-banded cockroach can also hide from humans in various places, such as clocks and picture frames.
What do brown-banded cockroaches hate?
Brown-banded Cockroach Control Solution However, keeping your home clean, uncluttered and fresh-smelling helps discourage them from getting stuck in your home. increase. In particular, cockroaches dislike herbal and citrus odors, and mint is one of the most unpleasant odors.
What is the origin of cockroaches?
The name cockroach comes from the Spanish word cucaracha. It is derived from the Latin word blatta, "insects that illuminate the light." It comes from the insect cockroach, including termites.
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