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Where do slugs poop from?

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The opening of the body contains the anus and genitals, which are hidden under the mantel. The strange position of these openings so far in front of the body is the result of the evolutionary descent of slugs from snails. For snails, these openings should be on the outside of the shell (after all, no one wants to poop on their shell).

Where do snails poop?

Snails poop through the anus. The anus sits from the inside of the shell to the front of the body (same side as the head). When a snail poops, the poop exits the anus inside the shell and then slides out from the sides of the shell.

Do slugs poop out of their mouths?

They don't poop by mouth. They poop from the middle of the body and it all comes out. In this one, long black, slimy sludge. Initial Answer: Can I take a snail shell and put it on a slug? Not good! 26 2014

How do slugs pee?

Waste: Land snails reabsorb most of the water in the body and do not urinate separately from solid waste. The "poop" comes out of the anus on the side of the shell and falls to the ground. May 17, 2018

Is the slug just a homeless snail?

The most obvious difference between snails and slugs is the fact that snails have shells. The snail shell is like a house to carry on your back. On the other hand, slugs have no shell. .. Without the large shells needed to carry, slugs can push themselves into many different habitats where snails cannot.

Where do slugs poop from?

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