The Southern White-breasted Hedgehog (Erinaceus concolor), sometimes referred to as the white-bellied hedgehog or the white-breasted hedgehog, is a hedgehog native to Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia.
Where do hedgehogs live?
Habitat. According to National Geographic, hedgehogs can be found in Europe, Asia, Africa and New Zealand. They can live in a variety of habitats, including savanna, forests, deserts, shrublands, and suburban gardens. Hedgehog homes are usually burrows and nests that you build yourself.
Where do hedgehogs live in the United States?
Hedgehogs are not found in the wild in North America, and African pygmy hedgehogs were domesticated in the 1980s and brought to the United States as pets. Hedgehogs have no records of being introduced and stored in Australia due to their illegal breeding.
Which country has the most hedgehogs?
Hedgehog Wild Habitat in Africa Most of the hedgehogs live in the eastern and central parts of Africa due to the terrain characterized by the grasslands, forests and sometimes rocky features that the hedgehogs camouflage. ..
Are hedgehogs pests?
Hedgehogs from the Middle Ages to the 18th century were counted as pests (along with many wildlife), but were considered to drink the milk of cows lying in the fields. In fact, hedgehogs were actually sniffing about turning cow pats over and finding insects.
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