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Where does snails go in the winter?

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Therefore, most snails remain inactive underwater. Some people gather in the gaps between rocks or hide in rotten logs. Some species are annuals and only eggs or very small babies survive during the winter. The 22nd. 2018 г.

Where do winter snails hide?

Slugs and snails hide in damp places during the day. They stay under logs and stones, or under ground cover plants. They are also hidden under planters and low decks. I come out to eat at night.

Will snails disappear in winter?

All gardeners know that slugs and snails are active in warm weather and not in cold weather. It comes out after it rains or when you water the plants. This is the perfect time to feed slug and snail pellets. They hibernate or die during heat and drought.

Where do snails and slugs go in winter?

In winter, slugs look for heat-buffered hibernation areas where temperatures rarely drop below 0 ° C. These are usually underground and provide protection from the worst winter frosts.

What do snails do when it's cold?

Coping with the cold by lying down during very cold weather. They do not hibernate, the jargon they do is "overwintering". They often get together in groups to overwinter because their instincts tell us where to go. Each snail is drawn into its shell and pours out mucus or mucus. 2015

Where does snails go in the winter?

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