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Where does the name Pan troglodytes come from?

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The colloquial expression "chimpanzee" is most likely made in the late 1870s. The chimpanzee was named Simiatroglodyte by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach in 1776. The species name Troglodyte refers to the African people Troglodyte (literally "the person who goes to the cave") described by Greco-Roman geographers.

What does chimpanzee bread mean?

1. Chimpanzees-Intelligent, somewhat arboreal apes in the forests of Equatorial Africa. Chimpanzees, chimpanzees. Apes, Pongidae-A large ape of the Pongidae family. Genus Bread, Bread-Chimpanzees; more closely associated with Australopithecus than other orangutans.

What is the difference between chimpanzees and chimpanzees?

Panpaniscus, pygmy chimpanzee or bonobo (Fig. 7.12) are similar in adult weight to the smallest subspecies of chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii), but with a darker face, more delicate skull and limbs. Is thinner. The limbs will be longer.

When did chimpanzees first appear?

The earliest known primates date back 70 million years.

What does Pampaniskas stand for?

Proficiency information: PANPANISCUS used as a noun is very rare. Dictionary entry details. • PANPANISCUS (noun) Meaning: A small chimpanzee in the wetland forest of Zaire. Endangered species.

Where does the name Pan troglodytes come from?

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