Giraffe is one of the highest blood pressure in mammals. It reaches pressures up to 280/180 mm Hg. This is twice the pressure found in humans (120/80 mmHg).
Which animal has the highest blood pressure?
Answer: Kirin Kirin is known to have the highest blood pressure of any creature on the planet. This is for a very good reason. The giraffe's heart is fighting gravity at every stage.
Which animal has the most blood?
But obviously, the whale's overall blood volume is maximum. 10 tons of blood, which is 20% of the body weight, is blood.
Which bird has the highest blood pressure?
Birds are credited with higher pressure: Jack Doe 119, Pigeon 130, Crow 150, Buzzard 170, and Turkey 190. Cold-blooded animals average 30-80 mm.
What is the blood pressure of a giraffe?
Tall Order In fact, according to zoologists, the blood pressure of an adult giraffe can reach 300/180 millimeters. This is about twice that of an adult. But it's close to their hearts. In their minds, giraffe blood pressure remains about the same as human blood pressure.
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