Examples of insectivores include various types of carp, opossum, frog, lizard (cameleon, gecko, etc.), nightingale, swallow, harimogura, numbat, anteater, armadillo, aardvark, pangolin, ardwolf, etc. There are bats, spiders, etc.
Which animal is not a predator?
Dragonfly. Most insects are not carnivorous organisms because they eat almost anything, including rotten plants and rotten trees. However, some insects such as dragonflies are predators. They feed on other insects such as mosquitoes and worms. 17окт. 2019
Are mice predators?
They all share the same characteristics of small size, but some members of this group are strictly herbivores (mice), others are insectivores (shrews), and others. It is an omnivorous animal (vole). Small mammals belong to the order Insectivora (shrews) and rodents (voles, rats, lemmings).
Are hedgehogs predators?
Applies to about 450 species of mammals such as insects, mainly inhabiting insects, hedgehogs, golden mogura, "true" mogura, "true" shrews, moonrat, moonrat, solenodont, tenrec, etc. Common name to be. , Other arthropods, and earthworms.
Are shrews an insect-eating animal?
Shrews (Shrews), one of more than 350 species of insectivore, with a mobile nose, long and sensitive whiskers, overhanging the lower lip.
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