- Do female tigers have periods?
Estrous cycle Female tigers may enter estrus (when females are receptive and can become pregnant at a young age) every 3-9 weeks, and the receptivity lasts 3-6 days.
Are tigers m (...)
- Do animals stop growing after they die?
Lizards, snakes, amphibians and corals all continue to grow until they die. The scientific name for these creatures is "uncertain grower". Rocky Mountain's Bristlecone Pine, like many other trees, (...)
- What animals give birth to babies?
Cats, dogs, cows, horses, elephants, goats, pigs, lions, rats, squirrels, etc. are also mammals. Therefore, we know that female mammals give birth to young mammals. The young child forms in the wo (...)
- What Bird Can Never Land?
The scientific name for the common swifts, A.apus, means "no legs" and refers to very short legs. Swifts are usually not landing on the ground because they are so exposed to predators that common (...)
- What are animals that give birth called?
Some animals lay eggs to lay young animals. Such animals are called oviparous animals, and animals that give birth to young animals that develop without spawning are called embryonic animals.
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