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Which is smarter donkey or mule?

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Mule is a hybrid of mare (mare) and male donkey, but mule is smarter than either. This has been scientifically tested and shown. It is also an example of what is called "heterosis". This is explained in detail below. 30окт. 2018 г.

Is a mule smarter than a donkey?

Mules are less stubborn and smarter than donkeys, but his intelligence means they are more cautious and aware of danger, when crossing dangerous terrain. You can ride safely.

Which is better, mule or donkey?

Mule is harder and less sensitive than horses. .. Pound for Pound Mule is also stronger than a horse and has better stamina and agility. It also outperforms donkeys in that they are usually much larger than donkeys, which increases the overall weight they can carry.

Which is a more intelligent horse or donkey?

Donkeys have evolved into their own species. .. Regarding their intellect, Matthews says the term "horse sensation" should have been applied to donkeys. "Many people think donkeys are smarter than horses, and I'm one of them," she explains. "In fact, they are very intelligent creatures that are not as easily scared as horses. 14янв. 2008

Are donkeys really smart?

Very intelligent and astounding There is a good memory (remembering complex routes and recognizing animals that haven't been seen for years), and there is also a logical and flexible approach to problem solving. Donkeys report being wise, personal and affectionate.

Which is smarter donkey or mule?

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