The 14 smallest animals on the planet, the Kitti's Hoggle Bat, is the smallest 1.1-inch mammal in the world. the Brookesia micra meleon grows to a length of only 1 inch. the dwarf sphaero on Virgin Island can be only 0.6 inches. Monte Iberia Eleus is a small frog that grows to 0.4 inches.
What is the smallest mammal currently alive?
The smallest mammal in the world is the Kitti's hoggle (Craseonycteris thonglongyai), which weighs only 2 grams and is 1 to 1.3 inches long, about the size of a large bumblebee. 2016
What are the largest and smallest animals in the world?
Largest mammal (largest animal) Blue whale Smallest pygmy marmoset Largest monkey Gorilla Smallest monkey Gibbon Largest reptile Saltwater crocodile
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