The origin of the name panda is "nigalyaponya" which means "bamboo eater" in Nepali. Originally applied to red pandas, as used in the West, it was thought to involve giant pandas. 21st. 2006г.
How was the panda named?
The name Panda is believed to be derived from the Nepali word "ponya," which means "bamboo eater" or "bamboo foot." Despite sharing a common name, giant pandas and red pandas are not closely related. The red panda is the only living member of the taxonomic family Airuridae, and the giant panda belongs to the bear family Ursidae.
What was the original name of the panda?
Giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca; Chinese: big bear cat; pinyin: dàxión gmāo), also known as pandas (or simply pandas), are bears that grow naturally in central and southern China. .. Giant panda species: A. melanoleucaBinomial nameAiluropoda melanoleuca David, 1869 variant
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