Why are basenjis bad?

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Potential health problems. Basenji is vulnerable to health problems such as eye disease and fatal kidney disease and is primarily limited to Basenji, called fanconi.

Is Basenji a good dog to keep?

Basenji is an active dog and needs to take good walks and run every day. They do agility and like to perform lure courses. Basenji is no longer used much for hunting, but it makes a very nice family dog ​​and lives until about 13 years old. Basenji can provide strong protection for your family.

Is Basenji difficult?

Basenji has many qualities that make it attractive to families. Known for being clean, "bark-free," playful, fun, and intelligent. However, they are also very active, independent and curious, so they can be more difficult than other varieties.

Is Basenji safe?

Answer: Yes! Basenji is a great variety for children. These dogs have an affectionate and affectionate personality and are fairly kind and friendly with children of all ages. They also like to play a variety of games with fun and loving kids, so they are considered quite suitable for kids overall.

What is Basenji known for?

Outside of Africa, the Basenji breed was originally found in Congo. These dogs hunted using both scent and sight, and were originally used to pour small games into hunter nets and control rodent populations in the village. Nowadays, they also become a wonderful, loving, furry family.

Why are basenjis bad?

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