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Why are cheetahs so elegant in motion?

Animal Expert
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29 minutes. 2014г. Cheetahs are one of the most beautiful and elegant looking animals. run at full speed with a beautiful slow motion video sequence.

Why is the cheetah so impressive?

The cheetah is the fastest terrestrial animal in the world, reaching 70 mph. They can accelerate from 0 mph to 68 mph in just 3 seconds. The cheetah is the only big cat that can turn around in the air while sprinting.

What is the movement of the cheetah?

Structurally, the cheetah has a unique and flexible spine that allows for extreme flexion and extension when running at maximum speed. In spinal flexion, when the cat's legs are directly below the body, the scapula and hip joints can rotate to extreme angles such that the cheetah's front and rear legs overlap.

What are the special adaptations that make the cheetah so fast?

The adaptations required for rapid acceleration include a small aerodynamic body frame, a lightweight skeleton, and long leg and foot bones. The spine is very flexible — another adaptation for animals that suddenly make long and rapid stride lengths.

Why are cheetahs so friendly?

Cheetahs are, to be honest, small and very cute, so they seem to be friendly. You can grow lions, tigers, polar bears or wolves from turnips, and it loves you and asks you for love. Once you have a wild animal and raised it from a turnip, you feed it, love it, and take care of it.

Why are cheetahs so elegant in motion?

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