The name Anura, which means "tailless," identifies one of these. With one exception (Ascaphus), adult frogs do not have a tail. Salientia also have no more than 9 anterior sacral vertebrae (usually 8), and 3 or 4 posterior to the sacrum are fused to a rod called urostyle.
What are the characteristics of Anura?
Frogs and toads (Anura; Salientia, a stem-based name) are unmistakable with their distinctive short tailless bodies. Large, flat head and large mouth. Long and muscular hind legs. This figure is associated with jumping movements and is probably evolving.
Is the frog Urodera?
All species are classified into the subclass Lissamphibia ("smooth amphibians") and divided into three clade groups. Urodela ("tail"), salamander. Anura ("tailless"), a frog. Caecilians apoda ("footless").
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