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Why are guinea pigs so cute?

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The cave is so gentle that it's so cute in everything. Guinea pigs certainly want to be hugged and stroked, so she doesn't have a hard time stroking them. The small size makes it easy to understand the cuteness.

Are guinea pigs cute animals?

Guinea pigs (also known as cavities) are very cute and adorable little pets. They are also very simple zookeepers and are usually very calm. Of course, animals of all shapes and sizes deserve to be safe, comfortable and happy.

Do guinea pigs feel love for humans?

Guinea pigs certainly show affection to their owners when they build a bond of trust. Because cavities are social animals, they show affection and like to receive it from others. .. Our guinea pigs show affection in a variety of ways, including:

Do guinea pigs kiss?

Kiss. Most people think of licking as an animal equivalent to a kiss, but guinea pigs actually kiss like humans! It doesn't bite completely because they don't use teeth. Instead, they gently and repeatedly pinch you with your lips for just a moment.

What is the cutest guinea pig?

Boo Boo was named "the cutest guinea pig in the world" after collecting 17,000 followers on Instagram. Dutch owner Megan van der Elst describes the American coat of arms blonde as the "perfect model." Guinea pigs, also known as cavities, make several pets and you have to love them.

Why are guinea pigs so cute?

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