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Why can't frogs turn their heads?

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In fact, this is true. Most frog and toad seeds have large protruding eyes, so you can see in most directions. They can also fly around to look in another direction. But with few necks, we can't turn our heads like we do.

Why can't a frog turn its head?

The frog's head is wide and flat, with a large socket (opening) for large eyes. They don't have a neck, so they can't turn their heads. Only one type of frog has teeth on the lower and upper jaws.

Can frogs move their heads?

Frogs have excellent eyesight both in the daytime and in the dark, with a field of view that allows them to see front, side, and partly behind. This is important for finding predators, as frogs cannot turn their heads or move up and down. The upper and lower eyelids are underdeveloped and hardly move. 18янв. 2015

Why do you scream when you pick up a frog?

Most scientists agree that screams may have evolved as a mechanism to surprise attackers, but they can also help attract secondary predators. I have. For example, if a bird attacks a frog, the frog's cry can seduce the cat.

What's special about the frog's head?

Their skulls also have a spine, ridges, and grooves, "in addition to the very wide skull roof bones that provide protection from predators."

Why can't frogs turn their heads?

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