Hollow bone, also called aerated bone, means that it is filled with space for air. This structure is believed to help ingest oxygen during flight. The air sac is attached to the hollow part of the bird's bone. this adds more oxygen to the blood and provides the bird with extra energy for flight. 5 days. 2018 г.
Why do birds have class 6 hollow bones?
Hollow bones lighten the weight of birds. The wings are made up of feathers and the streamlined body reduces air resistance. All these adaptations of birds help them fly.
Why do birds have hollow bones in class 3?
Answer: This is to help you fly in the sky. Hollow bones lighten the weight and the streamlined body helps to survive the friction of the air. Therefore, these factors help them fly and make them a special class of vertebrates (birds).
Is the bird's bone solid or hollow?
Human bones are dense and filled with bone marrow. However, bird bones are hollow and filled with air. There are also several bone cross-sections called struts that strengthen the bones and help the bird withstand takeoff, flight and landing. 21st. 2019г.
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