Social dolphins swim in groups called pods. small dolphin seeds swim in larger groups than larger animals. As young dolphins grow slowly, pods not only protect young dolphins, but also provide a number of strengths to protect animals from sharks and other predators.
Do dolphins live in pods?
Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are very sociable animals and often move and hunt in groups called pods. The most common is a nursery group of 5 to 20 dolphins consisting of females and their calves, but may be in groups of 1,000 or more (including males).
Why do dolphins live in groups?
Dolphins are very sociable creatures and live together in pods. Podlife offers a very important relationship for an individual. Pod members take care of each other, work together to catch food, raise children and protect each other from predators. They are also playing together.
What is a mosquito pod?
Pods are a group of dolphins that move with you. 2020
Why can't dolphins live on land?
Dolphins need to live in the water because they overheat and dry on land. Their bodies and body functions have evolved for underwater life.
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