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Why do fish peck at each other?

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Fish chase each other for a variety of reasons, including territorial protection, establishing control, competing for food, and mating. Even fish, which are usually obedient fish, can chase other fish due to constant stress. This can be due to incompatible tankmates, poor water quality, or overcrowded tanks. May 30, 2021

Is it normal for fish to poke each other?

Tankfish tend to chase each other for four main reasons. That's the first thing that comes to mind when you see fish swimming fast one after another. If the male and female are together in the tank, this behavior can be a simple bond ritual. There is no reason to panic! May 28, 2018

Why do my fish hit each other?

If fish do not get enough food or certain nutrients, they often chase each other or get caught up in competition for limited resources. This prevents weak fish from eating enough. In extreme cases, it can even lead to cannibalism among fish.

How do you know if a fish is fighting or playing?

If a fish is attacked in an aquarium, there are visible signs. Such signs include traces of the body and gaps in the fins. Injured fish move away from other fish and give them time to heal. Territorial fish can be aggressive against fish of the same sex and species. 2018 г.

Why do fish peck at each other?

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