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Why do honey bees have hairs on their heads?

Animal Expert
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It actually serves many purposes. Easy Answer: The furry body, feet, and even the eyes provide an efficient means of collecting pollen that adheres to individual hair. Hair also helps control temperature and helps bees detect vibrations from the atmosphere. 24th. 2021

What is bumblebee fluffing?

Bumblebees have a round body covered with soft hair (long split ends of bristles) called "pile", which makes them look and feel blurry. .. Some bumblebees steal nectar and make holes near the roots of the flowers to access the nectar while avoiding the movement of pollen.

Can bees recognize human faces?

Bees may have poppy-sized brains, but they can find individual features of the human face and recognize them during repeated interactions. I can do it.

Why do honey bees have hairs on their heads?

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