I like rabbits. Because they are friendly, curious and intelligent animals. You can eat a variety of things such as dandelions, hay and strawberries. Why do you like rabbits? Why do they call it "breed like a rabbit"? Другие результатыссайта www.quora.com
Why do you like rabbits?
They make great, intelligent companions for great, intelligent people! Each rabbit has the same different personality as each person. .. Rabbits will teach you a new way of looking at the world! Sometimes it's a rabbit, but it's a wonderful, fun, and affectionate companion.
Why do you like rabbits?
I like rabbits because they look cute. Rabbits have long ears and round eyes. They like to eat carrots. Rabbits live in burrows and are always very beautiful.
What does it mean that a rabbit looks like you?
Rabbits show affection by grooming themselves. So when a rabbit tries to sniff, lick, or bite gently, it shows that it loves and cares for you. This is also a sign of submission.
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