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Why do peacock spiders have different coloured legs?

Animal Expert
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30 minutes. 2020г. -The man will shake his abdomen and legs during the courtship dance. Some have flaps that can be stretched like a fan. So the association is

Why are peacock spiders colored?

Description. Male peacock spiders have black and white hind legs in bright red, orange, white, cream and blue colors on their bodies. This color comes from the microscopic scales found on their bodies. Women lack this color and have a plain brown color. 29 сент. 2019

What is unique about Peacock Spider?

The extraordinary display of colors and patterns is very unique, but more than a colorful body is loved. Peacock spiders are usually found only in the southern half of mainland Australia and are rare sightings. These spiders are incredibly small. The length is only 2.5-5mm!

Are female peacock spiders colorful?

In contrast, females are a mysterious color, usually mottled brown / beige. During the courtship, the male spider spider lifts her abdomen and waves to the female in sync with her third pair of legs.

How do spiders protect themselves?

Peacock spiders have a special way to protect themselves from predators and catch their prey. You can't fly, but you can jump and catch prey at about 40 times its length.

Why do peacock spiders have different coloured legs?

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