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Why do reptiles have less oxygen in their blood than mammals?

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Medium: Due to the large diameter and wide spacing of the capillaries, reptiles have far fewer capillaries per unit volume of tissue than mammals.

Do reptiles contain oxygen in their blood?

(c) Reptiles also have two circulation pathways. However, blood is oxygenated only through the lungs. The heart has three chambers, but because the ventricles are partially separated, a mixture of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood occurs, except for crocodiles and birds.

What are the characteristics of reptile blood?

Reptile blood carries less oxygen than mammals because it is low in hemoglobin.

How are reptile lungs different from humans?

Reptile Breathing Reptile scales prevent the absorption of oxygen from the skin, allowing amphibians to form. Instead, reptiles breathe air only through the lungs. However, their lungs are more efficient than amphibian lungs and have a larger surface area for gas exchange.

Do reptiles have oxygen?

When it comes to breathing and gas exchange, reptiles are not much different from us humans. Reptiles have a pair of lungs to inhale air, take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide.

Why do reptiles have less oxygen in their blood than mammals?

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