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Why do snails have four noses?

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The pair of tentacles on the crown has small black spots on each tip. the second tentacle is at the bottom of the head and acts as a nose because it picks up chemical odors. They are also touch sensitive. To find food, slugs use all four tentacles. 24th. 2005г.

Why do slugs have four noses?

The tentacles of slugs can smell from a distance. It is often misunderstood that slugs have four noses. On the contrary, slugs have four noses. The two tentacles sniff and the other two directly above are the eyes to see the slugs.

How many snail noses do you have?

How many noses does a slug have? The slug has four noses and sounds a little overkill. However, each function is different. Two are for sight and smell and can be operated independently, while the other two are for touch and taste.

Which animal has 4 noses and 3000 teeth?

Twitter NatGeoKIDS: "Slugs have 3,000 teeth and four noses. Crawl these #WeirdButTrueWednesday facts.

Four tentacles on a slug.

Unlike the eye pattern, the short tentacles of the slug most often point to the ground. They are mainly used for olfactory orientation. The surface of the tentacles. The sensory cells in the slug give the slug a picture of its environmental odor and also help in the search for food.

Why do snails have four noses?

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