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Why do sponges sexually reproduce?

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Reproduction of sponge. Despite the fact that adult sponges cannot move, they are capable of sexual reproduction. Eggs and sperm cells-Sexual reproduction is the formation of neoplasms by gamete fusion. Sperm are usually produced by male parents and eggs are produced by female parents. 11th. 2015 г.

Dusponge sexual regeneration?

The sponge reproduces both asexual and sexual. Asexual reproduction is caused by budding. .. The sponge may reproduce asexually. Sperm are released into the surrounding water through osculum.


Do sponge is

? More sexual or asexual reproduction

Life cycle. Most sponges reproduce sexually, although they can also occur in asexual reproduction.


Why is it a better sexual or asexual reproduction?

Benefits of asexual reproduction over sexual reproduction Variations are more successful in sexual mode than in asexual one. Species produced by sexual reproduction survive more than those produced by asexual reproduction. Genetic variation helps them adapt to different environments.


Why do you think sponges are hermaphroditic?

-Both sexual and asexual of Sponges can be reproduced, which can form gametes and be sexually reproduced by asexual fragmentation process or by budding and gemmul formation. .. .. Option A: The sponge is a futanari because the male and female gametes are made of the same sponge. Therefore, this is the right choice.

Why do sponges sexually reproduce?

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