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Why do we call a group of Cats A “Clowder?

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Origin of Cat Crowder According to Dictionary.com, Crowder comes from the term "Crowder". Clodder is a Middle English term that began in the late 1700s and was used to describe "solidified mass." The term has evolved into what is now the "crowder" over the years. 25th. 2018 г.

What is a group of cats called glare ring?

A group of cats is called a crowder. .. Three or more cats are clouders. There are other names used for groups of cats. For example, cluttered, dazzling, or bouncing. 2018

What is a group of baby cats?

Kitten. A group of kittens is called a Kindle, Garbage, or Conspiracy, quite different from cats, as well as the language we use to talk about cats. 2016

Why do we call a group of Cats A “Clowder?

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