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Why does my mouse keep eating her babies?

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Mice generally eat babies, which I think is mainly related to stress. Our colony manager breeds mothers who eat their children more than once because they feel that eating more than once is a problem for their mother, assuming other breeding pairs in the same room are not doing this. I won't let you.

Do female mice eat babies with each other?

Occasionally, female mice eat young mice. She may eat all or part of her own baby. .. After this, the baby should be safe, but even if the mother is 3 weeks old, she may eat the younger one later.

Why do mice eat different mice?

In order not to attract these predators, mice kill and eat sick or old mice that are part of their number. Also, if they find that mice are overpopulated due to the available food sources, they also use cannibalism to reduce their numbers. This is a natural thing they use to protect seeds.

When can a baby rat be separated from its mother?

In general, mouse puppies should be weaned from their mother between the ages of 21 and 26 days. At this time, male and female puppies should be divided into same-sex groups to prevent accidental breeding when mice reach puberty at 6-8 weeks of age. If you do not wean immediately, the cage will be crowded.

Do mouse babies kill each other?

If left in the absence of water, all rodents will kill each other. That is a fact. But mice kill for domination, new members or babies are usually targets and really annoying.

Why does my mouse keep eating her babies?

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