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Why does Ocelot need to know the URL it is running?

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The most important thing to note here is BaseUrl. Ocelot needs to know the running URL in order to do header lookup and execution. Replace for specific management configurations.

What are the upstream and downstream of Ocelot?

Ocelot's main function is to receive incoming http requests and forward them to downstream services. .. The UpstreamPathTemplate is the URL that Ocelot uses to identify the DownstreamPathTemplate used for a particular request.

What is the purpose of the Ocelot API gateway?

The main function of the Ocelot API Gateway is to receive an incoming HTTP request and now forward it as another HTTP request to the downstream service. Ocelot describes routing from one request to another as ReRoute.

Who uses Ocelot?

Five companies, including OODA, yunfan, and Parklab, are reportedly using Ocelot in their tech stacks.

What is Consul Ocelot?

Ocelot.NET Consulate Integration allows you to acquire registered services and load balance across multiple instances.

Why does Ocelot need to know the URL it is running?

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