As Hirsch and Kelly said, the sponge does not sleep because it lacks the central nervous system and brain.・ Sponge is not yet Is it bad to buy natural sponge? What is natural sponge? Другие результатыссайта
Does the sponge sleep?
Indeed, sleep can be widespread throughout cnidarians 13, 14, 15. It is unclear whether sleep is found in simpler organisms such as sponges (and zooxanthellae internal symbiotic organisms). But without the nervous system, it is doubtful that these organisms even have the ability to wake up!
Are there any living things that never sleep?
Bullfrog There is no rest for the bullfrog. The bullfrog was chosen as a sleepless animal because it responded the same when it was shocked and tested for reactivity, both awake and resting. 31окт. 2011
Do sponges feel pain?
Sponge communication systems are less well known because they lack a fully developed nervous system. That is also the reason why sponges cannot feel pain.
Which animals do not need sleep?
We did a hard yard for you and tracked them-you will definitely be amazed by some of these big players. elephant. .. giraffe. .. Horse. .. Walrus. .. deer. .. shark. .. sheep. 7 animals that require little sleep to survive-koala mattresses
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