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Why is a flying fox called a flying fox?

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Also known as a "fruit bat" because he loves to eat fruits, flowers and nectar. They were called "flying foxes" because their heads resembled the heads of foxes.

What is the flying fox known as?

Flying foxes (genus Pteropus), also known as fox bats, are one of about 65 species of bats found on tropical islands from Madagascar to Australia, Indonesia and mainland Asia. .. Flying foxes are the largest bats, with wingspans up to 1.5 meters (5 feet) and head and body lengths up to about 40 cm (16 inches).

Are flying foxes bats or foxes?

All flying foxes are flying foxes, but not all flying foxes are flying foxes. Fruit bats are made up of all bat species that consume fruit in the diet, including some bats. The term "flying fox" refers to a member of a large group of flying foxes belonging to the genus Flying Fox.

Can you see flying foxes?

Flying foxes have good eyesight (20 times our eyesight!) And can see up to 1km at night. Many of our native trees have evolved to have brightly colored flowers and fruits that look good on flying foxes on dark nights.

Why is a flying fox called a flying fox?

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