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Why is a sponge an invertebrate?

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Sponge is an aquatic invertebrate. They make up the sponge phylum. The sponge has special cells and an endoskeleton. The sponge lacks tissue-body symmetry. March. 2019г.

Is the sponge an invertebrate?

Coral-like sponges are immobile aquatic invertebrates, but otherwise they are completely different organisms with different anatomical structures, feeding methods, and breeding processes. The main differences are: Corals are complex multicellular organisms. A sponge is a very simple creature with no tissue. 2021

Is the sponge an invertebrate or a vertebrate?

The sponge phylum is composed of sponges. Sponges are simple invertebrates that live in aquatic habitats. Most sponges are marine, but some species live in freshwater lakes and streams.

How is a sponge different from other invertebrates?

Sponge is a creature that lives on the seabed. They do not have a nervous system, digestive system, or circulatory system. .. Most sponges live on coral reefs. Sponges are similar to other animals in some respects, but unlike most animals, they lack true tissues and organs and have no body symmetry.

What is the classification of sponges?

Sponges make up the phylum Choanocytes, and are choanocyte-lined chambers, flagellar-like fluff-like water inlets and outlet openings for stalkless metazoans (multicellular). It is defined as an immovable animal).

Why is a sponge an invertebrate?

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