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Why is fox hunting illegal?

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Hunting with dogs was banned in 2005 as a reaction of the general public. They strongly opposed the cruelty of wildlife being chased, often until exhausted, before being deliberately attacked by a herd of dogs for so-called "sports."

Is it illegal to hunt foxes?

Citizens who have committed to the ban try to observe fox hunting in illegal hunting practices, but may face abuse from supporters of fox hunting [Source: Lyall]. Opponents of the ban argue that otherwise members of the law-abiding society are a persecuted minority and public support for hunting remains strong.

Is fox hunting legal in the UK?

The 2004 Hunting Act (c 37) is a law of the British Parliament that prohibits hunting by dogs of wild mammals (especially foxes, deer, wild rabbits and minks) in the United Kingdom and Wales. increase. The law does not cover the use of dogs in the process of flushing unidentified wild mammals and does not affect drug hunting.

Why is fox hunting illegal?

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