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Why is my dog eating but not drinking water?

Animal Expert
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In some cases, illnesses such as diabetes and kidney disease can completely reduce a dog's appetite for water. Bladder or urinary tract infections can also cause a decrease in thirst. Therefore, if you think your dog will not drink water due to illness, you should contact your veterinarian immediately. 29th. 2021

How do you hydrate dogs that don't drink?

There are five strategies for hydrating non-drinking dogs. 1 Place the water bowl everywhere. To encourage your pet to drink more water, place multiple water bowls in your house. .. 2 Consider feeding your pet wet food. .. 3 Add flavor to the water. .. 4 Test different bowls. .. 5 Consider contacting an expert. How to Hydrate Dogs That Don't Drink American Kennel Club

Why is my dog eating but not drinking water?

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How do you hydrate a dog that won't drink?

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