When the dog is lying on the bed, the air in the bed warms up. If the bed is in contact with a cold surface (such as a stone floor in a country cottage in this case), the contact of warm air with the cold surface will cause condensation. Consider a bathroom window after taking a hot shower on a cold morning. 26th. 2014г.
Is it normal for a dog to sweat while sleeping?
One of them is to keep cool. Jenn Jones said: "Dog sweats from their paws and their stomachs are a source of heat. They try to keep them cool as they raise their stomachs in the air and lie on their backs and raise their paws." 24сент. 2020
Why does the dog's body sweat?
Dogs sweat. Sweating is a physiological response to the heat that the sweat glands secrete salt water. When water evaporates, it consumes energy and cools the organism in the process.
Why is my dog's bed wet?
The dog bed is not waterproof and may get wet underneath. Wet dogs and toilet accidents leak to the floor below. The dog bed is waterproof. However, the humidity in the room is high and the floor is cold, causing condensation underneath. This creates dampness under the dog's bed.
Below you will find two helpful answers on a similar topic. 👇
Can dogs sweat in their sleep?Why does my dogs back sweat?