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Why is my snail stuck to the glass?

Animal Expert
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Don't worry. If he sticks to the glass, it's a good sign that he's at least still alive. As already mentioned, snails can sit for hours

How do you remove a snail from the glass?

Just twist the shell in the swirling direction. Basically push them back into the shell & pull them out of the glass.

How do you know that snails are dead?

Smell the shell carefully. If the shell is rotten or stinks, the snail is dead. Carefully examine the snail shell. If the snail's body is no longer in the shell, or if the snail hangs from the shell and does not move, the snail may be dead.

Why are snails on the surface?

Mystery snails can float on the surface of the aquarium if you are not accustomed to the water quality. Floating is an escape mechanism used in the wild to escape pollution. .. Snails usually begin to float shortly after a major water exchange or when they have just been introduced into an aquarium.

Why is my snail stuck to the glass?

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