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Why is the demand for rhino horn so high?

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Rhinoceros horn is used in Chinese herbs, but it is becoming more and more common as a status symbol for success and wealth. Poaching is currently a threat to all rhino habitats, but South Africa is targeted because it is home to the majority of rhinos in the world.

Why are rhinoceros horns sold at such a high price?

The answer is Vietnam. The country's appetite for rhinoceros horn is so great that it now gets up to $ 100,000 / kg and is worth more than the weight of gold. (Depending on the species, the average horn is about 1 to 3 kg each.) May 15, 2013

Why is the Rhyhorn required in Asia?

Instead, demand is driven primarily by consumers in China and Vietnam, and rhinoceros horn is sold as a source of luxury or traditional medicine. 2017

How much is the rhinoceros horn worth?

In 2014, the value of rhinoceros horn was estimated at $ 60,000 per kilogram. That is, the value of one horn can be up to $ 240,000. The value per kilogram is higher than the value of gold and cocaine.

What is the rhinoceros horn sold for?

According to the World Animal Foundation, rhino horns are worth $ 60,000 per pound on average in Asia. In other words, rhino horns are more valuable than gold, diamonds and cocaine.

Why is the demand for rhino horn so high?

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