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Will a mother mouse come back for babies?

Animal Expert
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Reunion of baby and mother Small rodents are excellent mothers and often come back for their babies when the opportunity arises. Rodent moms also take care of their babies much better than humans can.

Will the mouse come back for the baby?

In some cases, the mother's mouse simply does not bind to the puppy. In such cases, the female rat may simply consider the puppy inconvenient and leave it behind. It may also require a break for her to look for food or take a break. In that case, she may come back. 2020

How long can a baby rat survive without a mother?

Newborn mice are particularly vulnerable and cannot open their eyes or even move around during the first 3 weeks of life. If the mouse is abandoned about 5-6 weeks after birth, it has a good shot for survival. It should be able to start growing some fur and hunt for food. 11окт. 2021

Will a mother mouse come back for babies?

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