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Will mice stay in a house without food?

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Mice are much more dependent on food than water. They can only go for 2-4 days without some food. Keep in mind that this does not mean that they need to sit in a full festival. 11th. 2019г.

How long can a mouse live on a wall without food?

This is because mice often condense into wall pipes to get what they need, so they can live for months without water. But without food, they can live for a week or even two weeks.

Does the mouse leave the house on its own?

These little beings never leave alone. You certainly have to do something for them to disappear. Large mice live in unpleasant places such as sewage and trash piles, so you might think that they can only be attracted to filthy places, but not the case with mice. 2020г.

Will mice stay in a house without food?

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