Fringilla montifringilla
Fringilla montifringilla Linnaeus, 1758.
French: Pinson du Nord; German: Bergfink; Spanish: Pinzуn
Bramblings are small, stout birds, with a body length of about
5.7 in (14.5 cm). Males have a black head and back, a rich orange
throat and breast, wings and tail marked with white and
black, and a whitish belly. Females have a similar but much
duller coloration. During the winter, males look similar to the
females, but they start to molt into their breeding plumage in
late winter.
Bramblings range widely through northern Eurasia, from Scandinavia
to eastern Siberia as far as the Kamchatka Peninsula.
During the winter, bramblings may wander extensively. In the
United Kingdom, for example, it is a sporadic winter visitor,
arriving in early October and departing for the more northerly
breeding grounds by mid-March.
Bramblings breed in subarctic birch and willow groves and
shrub tundra of the northern boreal and tundra regions. Its
common name, brambling, means “the little bramble bird,”
implying it occurs in thorny thickets, but its natural habitat is
actually northern deciduous woodlands and shrubby tundra.
During the winter it may occur in more open habitats.
Bramblings are migratory, wandering extensively during the
winter. They often occur in mixed flocks with other species of
finches. During a particularly cold and snowy winter in
1946–1947, an estimated eleven million bramblings plus other
finches were observed feeding on an abundant crop of beech
mast (or beech-nuts) at the village of Porrentruy in Switzerland.
Each night these innumerable birds gathered in a particular,
small valley to roost communally. Winter irruptions of
bramblings typically, however, vary greatly from year to year.
They are influenced by both local and large-scale weather and
snow conditions over their wintering range. In addition, a lack
of suitable food in northern parts of the wintering range may
trigger immense out-migrations into more southern regions.
As such, bramblings are extremely unpredictable in their migratory
routes and wanderings, often appearing in the millions
in a region in one winter, but not in other years. Bramblings
are territorial during the breeding season. The male has a
wheezy song, and the birds also have high-pitched, wheezy
“yeep” flight calls during the non-breeding season.
Bramblings eat a wide variety of seeds, including the relatively
large nuts (or mast) of beech trees.
Bramblings court and mate in the late winter and breed as territorial
pairs. They build a cup-shaped nest in a tree or shrub.
Not threatened. A widespread and abundant species.
Bramblings are popular birds that enrich the lives of many people.
They are sought by birders and other naturalists, and this
can result in local economic benefits through ecotourism.
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