Molothrus ater
Oriolus ater Boddaert, 1783, Carolina. Three geographically
discrete forms are recognized.
French: Vacher а tкte brune; German: Braunkopf-Kuhstдrling;
Spanish: Vaquero Cabecicafй, Tordo Negro.
6.5–7.5 in (16.5–18 cm); female 1.1–1.8 oz (30.5–51 g), male
1.1–2 oz (32.5–58 g). Sexually dimorphic in color. Males black
with a brown head; the black is greenish-glossed, and purpleglossed
on the neck. Females are entirely brown, with the
throat somewhat paler. Juveniles resemble females, but have
scaly backs and boldly-streaked underparts. The bill is short
and conical.
Breeds from central and northeastern British Columbia, Alberta,
central Saskatchewan and southern Manitoba, east
through central Ontario and Quebec to Newfoundland, and
south to the Isthmus of Tehuntepec, Mexico. Resident from
Nova Scotia, Maine, Illinois, eastern Kansas, west across Oklahoma,
Texas, southern New Mexico, and Arizona, and along
the Pacific coast north to southwestern British Columbia; does
not breed in southern Florida, on the Gulf lowlands of eastern
Mexico, or the lowlands of southwestern Mexico. Winters
along the Gulf of Mexico coast of Mexico, and on the Pacific
coast from Jalisco south to the Isthmus of Tehuntepec, and in
southern Florida.
Open woodlands and deciduous forest edge; in migration and
winter in open areas, cultivated lands, fields, pastures, and scrub.
Males display with a full “song-spread” display. In some populations,
where they are monogamous, males guard their
mates. Females lay their eggs in the nests of other species of
birds. They usually do this early in the morning, and remove
one of the host’s eggs, replacing it with one of theirs. In
winter, found in flocks that usually contain several different
species of blackbirds as well as European starlings (Sturnus
Forage low in vegetation or on the ground, often near the feet
of grazing ungulates, where they pick up insects that have been
flushed. During the nonbreeding season, they eat primarily
In some areas, males are monogamous; in others they commonly
are simultaneously paired to two or more females. No
nest is built, but they have been recorded to have parasitized
the nests of more than 220 host species (144 of which have
been seen to fledge cowbird young). Females do not lay
clutches in the usual sense, but one egg is produced each 1–7
days, interrupted by 2 days when no eggs are produced; eggs
are laid from March to early-August. Incubation 10–12 days;
fledging at 8–13 days.
Not threatened. Common to abundant, and has benefited
from the clearing of land for agriculture, and wild bird feeding.
It is considered a pest in feedlots and grain fields. Its brood
parasitic habits have caused serious declines in some populations
of songbirds.
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