Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus
Picocolaptes brunneicapillus Lafresnaye 1835, Guaymas, Mexico.
Eight subspecies recognized.
French: Troglodyte des cactus; German: Kaktuszaunkцnig;
Spanish: Matraca Desйrtica.
7.2–7.6 in (18–19 cm); 1.2–1.6 oz, mean 1.4 oz (33.4–46.9 g,
mean 38.9 g). The largest species of wren in the United States.
The bird is chocolate-brown above, with a plain cap. The back
is heavily streaked with black and white, the wings prominently
barred with buff and blackish, the tail feathers with alternating
blackish brown and gray-brown bars, the outer tail feathers
conspicuously barred black and white. Underparts are buffwhite
and heavily spotted with black, especially on chest.
Lower flanks are buff. It has a conspicuous white supercilium.
Eyes are reddish brown, bill dull black with paler base, legs
pinkish brown. Sexes are similar. The juvenile has less welldefined
streaks and spots; eye color is muddy gray-brown.
Resident from southeast California, southwest Nevada, sourthern
Arizona and New Mexico, southwest Texas through central
Mexico as far south as Michoacбn and Hidalgo; Baja
Semi-desert from sea level to 4,500 ft (1,400 m), rarely to
6,500 ft (2,000 m), in various vegetation-types, provided that
there are spiny cacti such as cholla for nesting. Will adapt to
badly degraded habitat so long as some spiny cactus nesting
sites remain.
A rambunctious and noisy bird, usually found in pairs or family
parties. Song is a loud, harsh series of “jar-jar-jar” notes, frequently
delivered from the top of a cactus or other perch.
Roosts in nests that are often built for that purpose; old birds
may roost alone, fledged broods are usually together.
Majority of food is invertebrate (ants, wasps, spiders, caterpillars,
etc.); also eats small frogs and lizards. Vegetable matter
includes cactus seeds and fruit; may visit bird feeders. Can exist
without drinking, but will drink if water is available. Tends to
feed on the ground, overturning litter and stones for prey.
Monogamous. Nest is a conspicuous ovoid ball with a side entrance
hole, made of dry grasses and fibers and lined with
feathers. Nests are almost invariably located in spiny cacti; little
effort is made at concealment. Eggs usually number three
to five, sometimes two to seven, are buff or pinkish in color
and finely speckled with reddish brown. Populations in Baja
California tend to lay smaller clutches. Incubation is by the female
alone, about 16 days in length. Young are fed by both
sexes for 19–23 days. In Arizona, nesting may begin as early as
January, more usually February. Multibrooded; may attempt up
to six broods a year, but only three successful broods are
reared. Unlike tropical members of its genus, additional birds
(other than the breeding pair) rarely help at the nest.
Not threatened. In suitable habitat one of the most abundant
species. Can withstand significant habitat modification provided
some spiny cactus remain for nesting sites.
A familiar and popular local species, it is the state bird of
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