Callaeas cinerea
Callaeas cinerea Gmelin, 1788. Two subspecies.
English: Wattled crow; organbird; bellbird; French: Glaucope
cendrй; German: Graulappenvogel; Spanish: Kakapo.
16–18 in (40–45 cm)
and colored bluish
gray with a black
mask. The North
Island kokako
(C. c. wilsoni) has a
blue wattle and the
South Island subspecies
(C. c. cinerea)
has an orange or
yellow one.
New Zealand
Temperate mixed forest, dominated by either coniferous or
broadleaf (angiosperm) trees. The North Island kokako is found
mainly in mature podocarp-hardwood forest. The South Island
kokako utilized similar habitat, but it may now be extinct.
Actively walks and hops on the ground and from branch to
branch, but is a weak flier. It generally occurs as non-migratory
pairs that defend a breeding territory, or as unpaired individuals.
It has a mellow, deliberate song consisting of loud
bell-like notes. Pairs may sing duets in the morning, and other
nearby kokako may also join in as a so-called “bush choir.”
Feeds on small fruits, leaves, fern-fronds, flowers, and insects
and other arthropods found on the forest floor or on foliage.
Builds a cup-shaped nest of sticks on the ground or low in a
shrub or tree. The nest is lined with moss, plant fibers, and
feathers. Lays two to three gray eggs marked with brown. The
female is responsible for the rather prolonged (about 50 days)
incubation and the brooding of the young. This exposes the female
to a much higher risk of predation by introduced mammals,
resulting in some populations having a great imbalance of
male over female birds.
The kokako is listed as Endangered by the IUCN. The total
area presently occupied by this rare bird is extremely small and
fragmented. The number of breeding pairs is very small because
of intense predation by introduced mammals, which has
left many populations with an excess of unpaired males. Intensive
conservation efforts are improving productivity at some
sites. However, unmanaged populations continue to decline
and at least one has become extirpated since 1990. Conservation
biologists estimate that fewer than 400 pairs of the North
Island kokako survive, in several isolated populations on islands
off central and northern North Island. Since about 1980, there
has been a marked decline in numbers of the North Island
kokako, although management is now reversing that trend in
some places. The South Island kokako is assumed extinct, although
it is possible they survive in tiny numbers in remote
parts of South Island or Stewart Island. The goal of the recovery
plan for the kokako is to restore its population to about
1,000 pairs by the year 2020. A key element of the recovery
program is the re-introduction of birds to predator-free islands
having suitable habitat. Birds are being managed in captivity in
an attempt to establish a captive-breeding and release program,
and to prevent the extinction of local island races.
Economic benefits of ecotourism.
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