Strepera graculina
Corvus graculinus Shaw, 1790, Port Jackson (Sydney), Australia.
Three to six subspecies in eastern Australia: one large-billed on
eastern Cape York Peninsula (Strepera graculina magnirostris),
one all-dusky in western Victoria (S. g. ashbyi), and the others
between which vary regionally in size and tone. One further
slender-billed subspecies occurs on Lord Howe Island (S. g.
English: Black currawong; French: Grand Rйveilleur; German:
Dickschnabel-Wьrgerkrдhe; Spanish: Currawong Pбlido.
17–20 in (43–50 cm); 10–12.5 oz (280–360 g). Slender, dusky,
crow-like birds with hidden white flashes in wings; white tips
on long tails; and broad, white bands at base of upper- and undersurface
of tail and undertail coverts. Eyes pale yellow and
bills and feet black. Females resemble males except for shorter
bills; juveniles duller and grayer, with brown eyes and yellow
gapes and mouths.
Coastal and subcoastal eastern mainland Australia between
Cape York Peninsula and western Victoria, with outlier on
Lord Howe Island.
Closed forests (including rainforests and wet eucalypt forests)
to denser, taller wetter woodlands of euclaypts; also urban gardens
and parks where tree cover is ample. Cool montane
forests and woodlands of eucalypts are core habitat.
Skulking, opportunistic, and piratical predators. Territorial
during breeding, pied currawongs congregate in loose foraging
flocks of up to a hundred or so at other times; southeast populations
move out of mountain ranges to lower altitudes and
more northerly regions in early autumn (late March to early
April) and return in early spring (September) to breed. Foraging
flocks work through all strata of their habitat, running over
the ground, bounding about foliage, and flying from tree to
tree in slow, loping undulations broken by floppy wing beats.
They call constantly to maintain contact or advertise territory
with loud whining whistles and clanking glottal chortles. They
do not sing or carol like other Australian magpie-shrikes but
do call loudly to one another when gathering to roost in tall
trees at dusk.
Omnivorous scavengers that search for food anywhere, bounding
about shrubbery and branches; poking into foliage and
crevices; or walking, running, and hopping over the ground to
peck, probe, and jab. Rubbish tips and camping grounds with
food waste are favored. Carrion, small birds, nestlings, insects,
caterpillars, lizards, snails, food scraps, and berries are all
eaten. Over the last 20–30 years, berry-bearing ornamental
trees have attracted currawongs to many urban habitats on the
east Australian coast, where the birds remain year-round and
cause havoc among other bird species during breeding.
Strictly monogamous and territorial. Pairs establish territory of
some 12–37 acres (5–15 ha) early in spring (September, or as
early as July in the far north) and build from late September to
mid-October, so that young fledge from mid-November into
December; only one brood reared per year. Although males
may assist in gathering nest material and in feeding older
young, females bear the brunt of nest construction, incubation,
and the brooding and feeding of young. Nests are rough and
rather flimsy bowls of twigs, lined with finer fiber and placed
high in the outer branchlets of tall trees at about 40–65 ft
(12–20 m) above the ground. Eggs, two or usually three per
clutch, are 1.58–1.69 x 1.10–1.25 in (40–43 x 28–32 mm) and
pinkish buff finely specked and spotted with dark brown and
dusky. They hatch in 20–22 days, and young fledge in about
another 30.
Not threatened. Because of their predatorial
, pied
currawongs pose a serious threat themselves to the nesting of
many species of Australian birds in human-modified areas.
None known.
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