Loxia curvirostra
Loxia curvirostra Linnaeus, 1758. Six subspecies are recognized.
English: Common crossbill; French: Bec-croisй des sapins;
German: Fichtenkreuzschnabel; Spanish: Piquituerto Comъn.
The red crossbill has a body length of about 5.5 in (14 cm) and
weighs about 1.4 oz (40 g). It has a rather heavy body, a short
forked tail, and a stout beak in which the tips of the upper and
lower mandibles cross over as an adaptation to extracting seeds
from conifer cones. Males are colored overall brick-red, with
blackish wings and tail. Females are a dull yellow-brown with
darker wings. Juveniles have weakly crossed mandibles, grayolive
upperparts and whitish underparts both streaked with
dark brown, and a buff-yellow rump.
The red crossbill is an extremely widespread species that inhabits
the boreal and montane forest regions of both North
America and Eurasia. It occurs from coast to coast in suitable
habitats on both continents. It periodically irrupts from its
usual wintering regions and may then be abundant in areas
where it is not usually seen.
Red crossbills breed and winter in pine-containing conifer
forests of various kinds.
Red crossbills are highly social birds, especially during the
non-breeding season when they may occur in large flocks. The
territorial song is a repeated series of simple chirps, often given
in flight. The male displays to the female by flying above her,
vibrating his wings, and delivering an in-flight song.
Red crossbills feed on the seeds of conifers, particularly species
of pines. They use their peculiar, crossed bill to force the
scales of conifer cones apart and then scoop the seed into their
mouths with their tongues. Their diet also includes insects and
Breeding pairs are monogamous and solitary. The female
builds a cup-shaped nest of twigs, bark, grass, and rootlets,
lined with finer grasses, feathers, fur, hair, and moss. The nest
is located on a tree branch far out from the trunk about 6.6–40
ft (2–12 m) above the ground. A clutch of three to four light
green or blue eggs spotted with brown and lilac is incubated by
the female for 12–18 days. The altricial young are brooded by
the female and fed by both parents. They fledge in 15–20 days.
Nestlings have straight mandibles that cross gradually after
they have been out of the nest for about three weeks. One to
two broods per year.
Not threatened. The red crossbill is a widespread and abundant
species. Some populations, however, have declined greatly
and are considered to be at risk. The subspecies native to the
island of Newfoundland, for example, has become extremely
rare. Logging operations have destroyed and continue to damage
red crossbill habitat.
None known.
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