Schetba rufa
Schetba rufa Linnaeus, 1766. The rufous vanga is the sole occupant
of its genus. It has two subspecies, the nominate and
long-billed form in eastern Madagascar and S. r. occidentalis,
somewhat shorter-billed, in the central parts of the west.
French: Artamie rousse; German: Rotvanga; Spanish: Vanga
The rufous vanga is
a medium-sized
vanga, with short
wings and a
medium-length tail,
and a strong head
and neck. It has a
thick and slightly
hook-tipped bill, and
large eyes. The
head, throat, and
breast of the male is
glossy black, while
the female has a
black cap and a
ghost of the male
pattern in pale gray
on the throat and
breast. The underparts
of both sexes
are white, and the backs and tails bright rusty red. The bill is
pale blue and the legs blackish.
The eastern form of the species is found in lowland forest
from Marojejy National Park in northern Madagascar to Andohahela
National Park in the south. The western subspecies occurs
in primary western deciduous forest from just north of the
Mangoky river to the Sambirano rainforest belt in the northwest.
In the eastern rainforests, the rufous vanga is rather patchily
distributed in lowland forests. It seems to be exclusively limited
to forests with large trees and a fairly open understory; in these
conditions it is fairly abundant. It has not been recorded at
higher altitudes than about 3,300 ft (1,000 m), and is most
common in forests about sea-level.
In the west, rufous vangas are found only in areas of primary
deciduous forest. It is rarely found in degraded or open
The rufous vanga is characteristically perched on a low liana or
branch. Often the birds travel in family groups, and individuals
may sit on particular perches for several minutes. In the early
morning and late afternoon birds move into the canopy to
sing. Much food is taken from the ground.
Rufous vangas sit still for long periods looking for movement
of potential prey. Finding such prey is difficult if the substrate
against which prey might be detected is itself moving, so foraging
outside the calm forest interior is likely to be unproductive.
In addition, the stable territories of rufous vangas need to contain
food resources all year round, and, during the dry season,
only shaded and cool areas maintain enough humidity to permit
enough insect life to survive on the forest floor.
Rufous vangas occupy apparently stable territories in the forest
interior. The nest is built in a tree fork or exceptionally in a
rock crevice, of spiders webs, lichens, small flakes of bark, etc.
Both sexes contribute to construction, resulting in a neat hemispheric
or inverted conical bowl. Usually two or three eggs are
laid, off-white with darker reddish markings. During the
nestling phase, young males from the previous year, distinguishable
by the black spotting on the breast, help feed the young.
Despite being limited to the interior of lowland rainforest and
dry deciduous forest, the rufous vanga is not currently considered
threatened, as it has a fairly large range (including many
protected areas) and is common where it occurs. However this
situation could change, particularly in the west where forest
destruction, even in reserves, is occurring rapidly.
None known.
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