Ferminia cerverai
Ferminia cerverai Barbour, 1926, Santo Tomбs, Ciйnaga de Zapata,
English: Cuban marsh wren, Cervera’s wren; French: Troglodyte
de Zapata; German: Kubazaunkцnig; Spanish: Fermina.
6.2–6.5 in (15.5–16 cm). Weight: no data. Quite unlike any
other wren, with very short wings, long tail, and sturdy legs.
Crown is blackish brown; back is brownish with numerous fine
bars on back and tertial feathers. Tail is long and fluffy with
numerous fine dark bars; underparts are whitish buff, darker
below, the flanks with dark barring. Eyes are clear brown; bill
is dark brown with paler base; legs are brownish. Sexes are
identical. Juveniles are similar to adults, but with fine speckles
on throat and more diffuse barring on flanks.
Confined entirely to the Ciйnaga de Zapata, southwest Cuba.
Originally entirely in the vicinity of Santo Tomбs; recently
small additional populations discovered 9–12 mi (15–20 km)
from Santo Tomбs.
Restricted to savanna swampland, with saw grass, rushes, and
scattered bushes. Seems to prefer drier areas where it can forage
on the ground.
A very poor flyer. Is quarrelsome and prone to drive off much
larger species. Is rather secretive, though it frequently sings
from low bushes. Song is a series of gurgling whistles mixed
with harsher churring notes. Some dispute as to whether females
sing; the female song is stated to be shorter and higherpitched
than that of the male.
Food is varied for a wren; invertebrates such as crickets, caterpillars,
flies and spiders, snail eggs, and slugs are eaten. Also
takes Anolis lizards, some up to 4 in (10 cm) in length, and
some vegetable matter. Forages low in vegetation, but also
takes much from the ground.
A nest was not discovered until 1986, and by 2001 only four
had been described. The nest is a ball of saw grass leaves situated
in saw grass, with a side entrance hole. It occurs 20–28 in
(50–70 cm) above the ground. Eggs number two and are white.
Incubation is by the female alone; incubation and fledging periods
are unknown. Breeding season extends from January to
July; the species may be double-brooded. It is not known
whether polygamy occurs.
Endangered. The bird is extremely restricted in range. Original
range was only 5 sq mi (13 km2), but recently other populations
were discovered up to 12 mi (20 km) away. Even within
this range, the birds are rather sparse. In the late 1970s no
birds could be located and it was feared extinct; present best
estimates (April 2000) are of 80–100 pairs. Threats to survival
include grass fires and predation by introduced mongooses.
None known.