Pomatomus saltatrix
Pomatomus saltatrix Linnaeus, 1766, Carolina, United States.
English (Australia): Tailor.
Body fusiform and elongate, with two dorsal fins, an elongate
anal fin, and a slightly forked caudal fin. There are seven to
eight spines in the first dorsal fin and one spine and 13–28 soft
rays in the second dorsal fin. The anal fin has two to three
spines and 12–27 soft rays. Both the dorsal and anal fin soft
rays have a scaly appearance. There is a black blotch at the
base of each of the pectoral fins. The mouth has sharp and
compressed jaw teeth arranged in a single prominent series.
The preopercle has a membranous flap that extends over the
subopercle. Color is silvery blue or greenish blue on the back,
with silvery flanks and belly. Grows to 51 in (130 cm) length
and lives as long as nine years.
Favors subtropical waters but enters tropical and temperate waters
seasonally. In the eastern Atlantic it occurs from Portugal
south to South Africa, including Madeira and the Canary Islands;
it also may be found in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. In the
western Atlantic, it is distributed from Canada to Florida and
Bermuda and south as far as Argentina. In the Pacific, it is found
throughout most of Australia, except for the Northern Territory
but is absent from the northwest Pacific, virtually all of the central
Pacific, and the eastern Pacific. In the Indian Ocean, this
species ranges from East Africa and Madagascar north to southern
Oman and east to southwest India, the Malay Peninsula, and
Western Australia. Records from Hawaii and Taiwan require
verification, and those from New Guinea, Indonesia, and the
Northern Territory of Australia probably are in error.
Pelagic but prefers inshore waters and often is found off rocky
or sandy headlands, beaches, and breakwaters. Enters estuaries.
Moves with the tide.
Adults form schools or loose aggregations. Individuals are reported
to move in association with sharks and billfishes. Juveniles
form schools. Schools migrate seasonally.
Highly predatory. Schools or aggregations forage inshore and
in open water, attacking schools of prey, mainly smaller fishes
and squids, and continues to attack after having fed to satiation.
Dangerous if handled, because it bites out of water and
reportedly has severed fingers or caused serious wounds. Is reported
to attack splashing swimmers, too.
Spawning is seasonal, usually in spring and summer months
(May–August in the northwest Atlantic; March–May and September–
November in the southwest Atlantic, north of the
equator; September–December in the Southern Hemisphere),
and occurs serially. Females are remarkably fecund, with egg
counts ranging from 400,000–2,000,000 depending upon body
size of the female. Eggs are pelagic and buoyant, about 0.04 in
(1.09 mm) in diameter, and hatch after 1.5–2 days. Larvae are
pelagic, possess large heads and mouths, and acquire teeth on
both jaws by the time they reach 0.13 in (3.3 mm) in length.
The yolk sac disappears soon afterwards and larvae become
predacious. Dorsal, anal, and caudal fins differentiate at about
0.25 in (6.35 mm), and fin rays appear at about 0.33 in (8.4
mm). Dorsal spines develop more fully at 1.1 in (27.9 mm).
Pigmentation is apparent on the head dorsally and on the gut
at 0.33 in (8.4 mm), with very small dots appearing on the entire
body at 1.1 in (27.9 mm).
Not listed by the IUCN, but vulnerable to overfishing on both
commercial and recreational scales. Has been caught for sport
but is wasted because the flesh degrades quickly without proper
handling. Population sizes are cyclical.
Very important commercial species that also is a significant
and prized game fish.
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