Trichogaster leeri
Trichopus leeri Bleeker, 1852, Sumatra.
English: Diamond gourami, lace gourami, mosaic gourami;
French: Gourami mosaпque, gourami perlй; German: Mosaikfadenfisch;
Spanish: Gurami perla, Gurami mosбico.
Length 4.7 in (12 cm). Body laterally compressed with short dorsal
fin of 5–7 fin spines and 8–10 soft rays; long anal fin with
12–14 spines and 25–30 soft rays. Pelvic fins with an extremely
prolonged first soft ray behind the spine, followed by four short
soft rays. This pelvic filament reaches up to two-thirds of the
fish’s total length, is highly movable in all three dimensions, and
is used as an organ of taste because its surface is covered with numerous
taste buds. A tactile function has also been demonstrated.
Males can be distinguished from females by the posterior rays of
the soft dorsal and soft anal fin being prolonged and projecting
beyond the fin membrane. Coloration of the body consists of a
grayish background, with numerous bright white spots all over
the body and fins (hence the name “pearl” gourami), a black
midlateral stripe that extends from the snout to the caudal peduncle,
and a black spot at the base of the caudal fin. Males have
bright nuptial coloration, especially when sexually active.
Freshwaters of Thailand, peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, and
Smaller or larger forest streams, usually with slightly acidic
Nothing is known about the
of the pearl gourami in
the wild.
No field data on gut contents is available, but judging from the
small mouth and the numerous gill rakers, feeds on small
aquatic invertebrates.
The onset of a reproductive period is characterized by an increasing
aggressiveness of the male and the establishment of a
breeding territory in which it builds a foam nest. Parts of
aquatic vegetation or detritus may be incorporated into the
foam mass. The foam nest is built from air gulped in at the surface
and released as foam-coated bubbles below the nesting site,
from either the mouth or the opercular cleft. The male’s nuptial
coloration is bright orange on the throat, pelvic filament,
and anterior anal fin, with numerous bright white spots on the
body and fins. Spawning takes place below the nest. The typical
spawning clasp is performed. Eggs are usually released when
the female’s genital opening points to the nest. Up to 135 eggs
are released during each bout of spawning, with up to 1,000
eggs per spawning sequence. A short phase (2–10 seconds) of
spawning rigor follows egg release, during which the male and
female remain motionless in their clasp. Eggs contain a large oil
globule that renders them buoyant. Floating eggs are collected
by the male and stored in the nest. Hatching occurs after 24
hours at 84.2°F (29°C). Free swimming is achieved after two to
three days. The pearl gourami exhibits male parental care.
Not listed by the IUCN.
Consumed as a food fish and used in aquaculture. A common
and popular aquarium fish.
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