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Are Basenjis protective?

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Breed information and personality traits of Basenji dogs. A strange, very affectionate dog, Basenji can protect his family violently. They make friends with other dogs, but sometimes they are controversial.

Is Basenji aggressive?

However, although the aggression previously used in hunting games has been significantly suppressed, it still has that aggression. Basenji usually show a quiet and friendly attitude towards their owners, strangers and fellow dogs. .. Therefore, Basenji may prove to be dangerous and aggressive against small animals.

Do Basenji like to snuggle up?

They are also very pretty animals, perfect for grooming and hugging like cats (after running in the dog park, of course). Basenji is very compassionate and loyal to the pack he chooses, but he doesn't cling too much and is happy to leave it alone.

What does Basenji do instead of barking?

However, unlike most dogs, Basenji does not bark. .. The unique sounds they make can best be described as yodeling.

Is Basenji sensitive?

That said, Basenji is a sensitive dog and does not work under strict ownership. They are really family dogs and always like to be with their humans. Basenji does not tolerate being left in the house or yard for hours at a time and can suffer from separation anxiety.

Are Basenjis protective?

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